Over 200 generous volunteers give up their own time all year round to provide vital support to the hospice and we are incredibly grateful for everything they give to the hospice. Now it is our turn to support them.
During these uncertain and worrying times, many of our volunteers are thankfully isolating and shielding themselves from the virus by staying at home and keeping themselves safe and healthy. But this does not mean we aren’t there for them as they are always there for us.
We think it is more important than ever to stay in touch with our volunteers, many of whom live alone, and our volunteer co-ordinator has been reaching out to all our volunteers to check they are ok and to offer help and support to those who need it.
We have compiled this signposting sheet containing useful telephone numbers and online links to local organisations who may be able to provide additional support or information to volunteers at this time. Plus, some tips on looking after your health and wellbeing.
If any of our volunteers would like to speak to someone at the hospice, even just for a friendly chat, we would love to hear from you. Our volunteer co-ordinator, Helen Pattie, is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. You can contact her on 0151 932 6043 or 07714 737 779 or by emailing helen.pattie@jospice.org.uk.
We wish all our volunteers well and look forward to welcoming them back as soon as normal life resumes.